Combining AI and Kanban for Effective MSP Project Management

“AI or Kanban for Project Management: Why Choose Just One?” This is a big question in MSP project management: should you go with AI or Kanban? To be honest, this question is like asking whether you should use a...

30 Jan

Background Reading for MSP Managers Implementing Kanban

Transitioning to Kanban with TopLeft shifts your mindset to a new way of organizing, prioritizing, and executing work. It helps you see the bigger picture while managing the small details that keep your MSP’s engine...

24 Jan

Embracing Kanban Over AI Project Management Tools for MSP Teams

AI project management tools came with the promise of increasing workflows. We haved fancy features like predictive analytics, automated scheduling, and complex data processing. Honestly, this is like having a robot...

22 Jan

Unveiling the power of Kanban: Simplicity and Scalability

With many tasks ranging from immediate client requests to long-term projects, MSPs constantly need a system that simplifies their complexities and scales effortlessly as they grow. The essence of Kanban is its ability...

22 Jan