Cherry-picking Tickets Hurts Your Clients

Allowing your team to cherry-pick tickets or tasks on their list hurts your clients, and you may not even realize this is going on. We know this kind of issue by experience, and that’s one of the reasons why we’ve...

11 Jan

New Subscription Plan, Pricing, and Licensing

TopLeft is excited to announce a new subscription plan for those who need the visibility offered by Kanban boards but don’t need to accelerate technician’s day-to-day work. It’s offered at half the price of the full...

4 May

How Much Neglect is OK? Tips for MSP Service Managers

Neglected tickets can be a major problem for MSPs. Tickets that sit without any work being done are frustrating for both your customers and your team. We’ve already mentioned some causes of neglected work and how it...

13 Jul

Neglected Tickets Impact Your MSP Customers and Team in These 5 Ways

All MSPs suffer from neglected work from time to time. At some MSPs it’s temporary and quickly brought under control. At some MSPs it’s endemic- there’s always numerous tickets that haven’t had any work done recently,...

6 Jul

3 Problems That Cause Neglected Tickets in MSPs

One challenge faced by every MSP is ensuring that service and project tickets are started, worked, and completed in a reasonable amount of time. Some MSPs have mastered this; others not so much. It’s common for MSPs to...

26 Jun