We’re excited to announce our integration with Nave!

TopLeft has partnered with Nave to turn your TopLeft board data into immersive graphs. Using TopLeft to implement key Kanban techniques helps you to make the workflow more visible and your team more productive. However,...

1 Mar

Cherry-picking Tickets Hurts Your Clients

Allowing your team to cherry-pick tickets or tasks on their list hurts your clients, and you may not even realize this is going on. We know this kind of issue by experience, and that’s one of the reasons why we’ve...

11 Jan

3 Tips for improving project visibility

If you feel that you are answering the same basic questions over and over, your team members aren’t engaging with projects. If there is confusion about deadlines, deliverables, and workflow, you, as a project manager,...

2 Sep

New Subscription Plan, Pricing, and Licensing

TopLeft is excited to announce a new subscription plan for those who need the visibility offered by Kanban boards but don’t need to accelerate technician’s day-to-day work. It’s offered at half the price of the full...

4 May

New Features- Edit Tickets and Automatically Rank Cards

We want you to be able to work faster and more confidently in your MSP, so we’re adding a couple of exciting capabilities to TopLeft.

3 May

Need to see your Autotask PSA data in Trello? Try this Kanban board instead

Many people use Trello to manage their work. It excels in areas as varied as managing tasks in small-to-medium size projects to personal to-do lists.

4 Feb

How good is your multitasking? Try this simple game to find out

In the modern world, multitasking is common and everyone thinks they’re good at it. You’re able to frequently switch between a variety of tasks without getting distracted or slowing down, right?

21 Jan

Are you making use of both key types of Kanban boards?

The simplest possible Kanban board has columns for Todo, Doing, and Done. This basic layout is used as an example wherever Kanban techniques are taught. It’s an example of a general board, one that tracks any type of...

7 Jan

How Much Neglect is OK? Tips for MSP Service Managers

Neglected tickets can be a major problem for MSPs. Tickets that sit without any work being done are frustrating for both your customers and your team. We’ve already mentioned some causes of neglected work and how it...

13 Jul

Neglected Tickets Impact Your MSP Customers and Team in These 5 Ways

All MSPs suffer from neglected work from time to time. At some MSPs it’s temporary and quickly brought under control. At some MSPs it’s endemic- there’s always numerous tickets that haven’t had any work done recently,...

6 Jul