Comparison of ConnectWise Manage Agile Board to CW Kanban

How CW Agile Board is currently better than CW Kanban Quick Create for ticket Block/Unblock tickets (without requiring a specific status) Can work on tickets in simple mode – hide finance, resources etc with a link to...

11 Jun

What it means to be DOING Kanban

So I’ve been thinking about this question for a while… what does it mean to be doing Kanban? Obviously I’ve been committed to Kanban for a while as we’ve built a solution around it, but even though we have all kinds of...

11 Jun

How your MSP techs can always work on the #1 priority, without wasting time scheduling

Every day in an MSP, decisions are made about what tickets the technicians should work on. Usually, this results in a dilemma: Do technicians select tickets all by themselves? This is fast and easy but has some big...

3 Jun