We Help MSPs Figure out
their Project &Ticket Flow

STEP 1 of 2

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What MSPs say about TopLeft

SARAH ELLIS - CIO at Clear Guidance - Austin, Tx

TopLeft turned project management from staring at huge lists, impossible to prioritize, into easily
digestible, very visually compelling information

We are no longer looking at a mountain of data wondering how to break it up. It’s already broken up for us by TopLeft, which makes it much easier to see the flow of tickets.

Before, we also weren’t able to see projects side-by-side—something we can now do thanks to TopLeft.

(2nd week of CTC program):

It’s weird that this is the exact same data in a new visual form but suddenly everybody knows when tickets should have been closed when they didn’t just with ConnectWise.

(Closed almost 300 old or finished tickets out of 450 in a week)

JUDI NOELL BAKER - Service Desk Manager, Seitel Systems

We see value in using TopLeft.

IWe have seen firsthand how it has helped us visualize our work- flows, identify bottleneck and continuously improve our processes.

We’ve even brought in new team member who were able to rapidly get up to speed with TopLeft.

SCOTT PATSY - Manager of Strategic Engagement at CIT

The big AHA moment was when I could click on the magnifying glass on a project drill into the tickets for the project. OH MY GOSH

As a project manager I see my own projects - but to talk with clients you need to know about the individual tickets. It gives project managers a better way to manage project milestones.


We were able to move our average project delivery from negative efficiency to positive 33% efficiency. So we finish now with an average of 1/3 time left over!

TopLeft is an extremely affordable investment, considering the costs of switching PSAs and the efficiency improvements.

Watch our passionate clients share their stories
about working with TopLeft

How TopLeft has transformed his Project Management
How TopLeft has transformed his Project Management.
How TopLeft has transformed his Account Management.
How TopLeft has transformed his Service Management.